Work Experiences

Digital Content Creator
Universal Music Group Italy, Milan
June 2020 - On Going

As a Digital Content Creator at Universal Music Group, the role involved managing the art direction and visual communication for digital media. This included:

  • Video Production and Motion Graphics: Produced promotional videos and used motion graphics for engaging content, achieving a 30% increase in social media followers and engagement through an enhanced visual identity.

  • Art Direction: Led digital media art direction, creating a wide range of multimedia content in line with branding standards. Streamlined video production, reducing costs while maintaining quality.

  • Collaboration: Oversaw content team workflow and collaborated with artists and marketing teams. Successfully delivered high-quality video assets within tight deadlines, contributing to promotional campaigns.

  • Content Strategy and Innovation: Developed and executed content strategies while staying updated with industry trends. Enhanced artist and fan engagement through video interviews, resulting in a 10% rise in artist-to-fan interaction and increased digital platform followers. Implemented innovative video recap formats for UMG events, leading to a 30% increase in event attendance and improved post-event feedback. Generated a 20% increase in direct-to-consumer (D2C) product sales with visually appealing content.

Motion Designer Intern
FLATMIND Video Productions, Shanghai, China
May 2019 - Aug 2020

As a Motion Graphic Design Intern, managed animated aspects of video productions, integrated motion graphics for compelling content, curated brand's graphic communication for visual identity, handled backstage shooting, and edited videos for clients.

About me

Ciao! I'm Gabriele, a digital designer passionate about motion design and video production. Crafting exceptional content from concept to post-production is my true calling. With a team-focused mindset and a knack for independent work, I'm ready to contribute my skills and enthusiasm to innovative projects that leave a lasting impact.


Communication Design Master
Politecnico di Milano, Milan
Sep 2017 - Apr 2020

Communication Design Degree
Politecnico di Milano, Milan
Oct 2014 - Jul 2017

Liceo Scientifico
G.Falcone e P.Borsellino, Arese
Sep 2009 - Jun 2014


Hard Skills
Adobe After Effects / Adobe Premiere Pro / Adobe Illustrator / Adobe Photoshop / Cinema4D / Blende / Video Production /Camera setting and handling / Lightining setting

Soft Skills
Content Strategy / Art Direction / Visual Communication / Creativity / Time Management / Communication

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